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Hi! I like to wear pantyhose every now and then. I have a bit of a cross dresser fetish. My wife is very understanding. She would rather I not, but she is cool and wants me to be happy and horny. I like to dress in hose and some lingerie before we have sex. I like to wear the suspender type of pantyhose, not garters, but the ones that are one piece with the suspenders if you know which ones I am talking about. Then I will wear some of her panties over top with camisole or babydoll top. I always wear the panties overtop the nylons so I take off the panties, but still have the nylons on while we have sex. The feeling of the suspenders hugging my hips is magical. When I am thrusting my wife in missionary position she will grab the suspenders at the back like handle bars to pull me in closer. Really hot actually. We will put silk bed sheets on when we get in those kinky moods. When I wear lingerie the slippery feeling of the lingerie plus the silk sheets is pure sexual bliss. Like I said, my wife isn't into it 100%, so I don't push it. I'll do this about once every two months or so.
Muddling through the blogosphere
This week I will be gathering resources on cyberbullying in preparation for an upcoming school board meeting. As I explained in a recent post, school districts in the Sacramento region are dealing with troubling, even tragic, stories of bullying/cyberbullying at a Wholesale Jerseys number of school sites. As a result of media coverage on the very real, very negative impact of bullying on students (targets, bullies, bystanders) within and beyond the school day, I think/hope all districts are revisiting this important topic.
As the co curator of both a district and a global digital citizenship site, I am always on the lookout for new resources, lessons, and research. I really appreciate timely resources from two of my favorite digital citizenship organizations: Cyberbullying Research Center and Common Sense Media.
Cyberbullying Quiz What the Research Shows ProfessorsSameer Hinduja (Florida Atlantic University) and Justin Patchin (University of Wisconsin Eau Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping Claire) are the co directors of the Center for Cyberbullying Research. As researchers, they delve into and provide information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents. I highly recommend using their newly released Cyberbullying Quiz to jump start faculty discussions. The quiz is short (15 true/false questions) and each answer also includes the supporting research.
In addition to the quiz, Hinduja and Patchin have published a comprehensive Cyberbullying Fact Sheet that is written for educators, administrators, and parents. If you are looking for a professionally done handout for a Parent Night, I recommend the Fact Sheet.
Common Sense Media, although not solely focused on cyberbullying, is also constantly updating and adding to their resources. The awesome Kelly Mendoza, director of program development for Common Sense Media's education programs, recently Wholesale Jerseys China hosted a webinar with Dr. Elizabeth Englander, professor of psychology at Bridgewater State University:Cyberbullying, Sexting, and Social Media Use. Both the audio and the video are excellent as is the content! I learned a few new terms from Dr. Englander, such as self cyberbullying:
issue that is a little peculiar that you may have never heard of is something called self cyberbullying. This is a problem where kids essentially go online, they create a second persona online, and they use their second identity to cyberbully their first identity themselves. And then they take evidence of this to either their friends or to adults, and they say essentially 'see, I being cyberbullied.' It one of these issues that I thought was going to be very rare. However, we been tracking it for three years now, and we've found that about 15 percent of kids admit to doing this. Cheap Jerseys Supply Englander is also the director and founder of theMassachusetts Aggression Reduction Center, or MARC, academic Center in public higher education, committed to a public health model for bullying and cyberbullying prevention for the state of Massachusetts. MARC K 12 cyberbullying curriculum looks excellent, including their videos. I will definitely be sharing the K 5 video, Meanness Is Like Littering, with my district community:
Dr. Englander also champions the Great American No Bull Challenge, which includes wonderful student created videos Wholesale NFL Jerseys such as Numbskull:
It become quite clear that modern education must encompass more than just academics, and that matters of the heart must be taken seriously and nurtured as a matter of priority. Lisa Currie
The Challenge:Can kindness and empathy Wholesale Jerseys Outlet really be taught?
This morning I re readLisa Currie October post for Edutopia: Why Teaching Kindness in Schools Is Essential to Reducing Bullying. In the past couple of months, the impact of school wide bullying in the Sacramento region has been disturbingly newsworthy: the tragic suicide of an 8th grader in one district; a bullying lawsuit in an adjoining district; a number of student suspensions for racist activities at another; and an embarrassing parent confrontation during a regional cyberbullying public Wholesale Cheap Jerseys event for another. This recent stream of bad press highlights the need for districts to teach and expect kindness and civility (AKA good citizenship) face to face and online.
In my current position as a technology integration specialist for a large public school district, I am a regular visitor in K 12 classrooms. Many school sites display banners and/or posters around the campus reflective of the sites character education programs. Many have added cyberbullying to their character ed programs or are offering it as a stand alone part of their digital citizenship curriculum (all sites are required to have some type of digcit program in place). I am proud of the way many of our students, particularly at the secondary level, have stepped up to the challenge of confronting bullying. At one site, for instance, through their Unbullyable project, I know students have had a positive impact on their own campus Wholesale Jerseys as well as on their feeder elementary and middle schools.
I am grateful I have not yet opened the SacBee to find one my district schools featured on the front page for hurtful or hateful acts. And I applaud the efforts of K 12 teachers across the district to support their students in standing up and speaking out against bullying/cyberbullying. Yet a number of times, at several high school campuses, as I make my way through throngs of students exiting at the end of the school day, I hear them yelling out to classmates with rude, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc., comments. As tempting as it is to keep walking (it just kids being kids, no? I not actually a faculty member here, right?, etc.), when I stop and face the offending student (who probably had not realized there was an adult in their midst), he or she basically always has the same reply: Sorry I was just kidding. It takes my standing there a while longer before they will generally say once again that they are sorry. It think/hope the difference is that the first is because I heard them; the second the one that matters, is for having said the unkind slur in the first place.
Kindness can be taught, and it is a defining aspect of civilized human life. It belongs in every home, school, neighborhood, and society. Maurice Elias, Rutgers University
Stepping Up to the Challenge
But really, can kindness be taught?Can school districts serve as hubs for promoting these essential, Jerseys Outlet timeless life skills? As evidenced in the Unbullyable project, I think so. Part of my job involves checking that all sites are teaching digital citizenship. In the first quarter of the school year, each site submits how it plans to meet e Rate requirements. So teaching a few lessons during an advisory period, for instance, from Common Sense Media wonderful offerings, meets the requirements and often generates thought provoking, possibly behavior changing conversations. But some sites go above and beyond the minimum requirements by supporting a variety of student led initiatives. These sites recognize that, with bullying/cyberbullying, the most impactful campaigns are student initiated and student led.
Tips and Resources for Teaching Kindness Cheap Jerseys
So how do we teach kindness to our students? Cheap NFL Jerseys I believe in the power of stories to transform hearts and actions. Thankfully, there is a wealth of powerful literature, starting with picture books, that teachers can use to ignite ongoing conversations on what kindness looks like. Palacio Wonder. Their Living the Dream: 100 Acts of Kindness lesson/challenge would be a wonderful literature extension for primary grades to use in celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. and upcoming birthday. For middle and high school, I recommend visiting Facing History and Ourselvesand checking out theirBullying and Ostracism Collections for resources to help students critically about the dynamics and impact of bullying in schools and communities. is from stories, whether fiction or nonfiction, recent or from the past, and the ensuing conversations, that students often come to understand the role of the bystander in allowing bad things to happen, from bullying on the playground to unthinkable, unspeakable acts of government sanctioned brutality. Students need examples of what it means to cross the line from bystander to upstander. They need opportunities for grade level and cross generation conversations on how the courage of a single person to stand up and speak out against bullying and social injustice can change the school climate or even the history of the world. One of my favorite upstander tools is the Upstanders, not Bystanders VoiceThread. I co curate this VoiceThread with my Digital ID partner/National Writing Project colleague. In the two years since we started the Upstanders, not Bystanders project, we come to value how all voices and stories matter, from our kindergarten contributors to our Rwandan genocide survivor. Teaching kindness and civility needs to start in the primary grades and continue through adulthood.
One tip I have for readers is to document the work of your school sites. In the Sacramento bullying samples I mentioned above, I believe three of the four districts are currently Wholesale Stitched Jerseys in the process of developing district wide digital citizenship plans. The fourth district has curriculum and procedures in place, but refers to the program as digital literacy rather than digital citizenship. Although the broader title makes sense, in the likely need to CYA, I think it wise to intentionally single out how each site specifically implements the teaching of citizenship/digital citizenship. A simple procedure my district has put in place, in addition to each site submitting an implementation plan at the start of the year, is requiring each principal to sign a statement at the end of the year verifying that digital citizenship has been taught at his/her site.
As my district heads into the third year of requiring school sites to document their digital citizenship plans, one shift I noticed is also one I strongly recommend: Rather than plug in your plan at the close of the school year (post testing), as some of our secondary sites initially did, start the year teaching kindness and civility. Whether it through a shared article, a story, an assembly, etc., if Cheap Jerseys China the activity is followed with classroom discussion, I am pretty sure you will find, as a number of our teachers have, that student buy in will be greater as will instances of students actually putting their citizenship skills into practice. I love their Cyberbullying Quiz What the Research Shows, and all the resources linked under their Related Posts section. This exceptional resource, and many more, are listed on the Stepping Up page of the Digital ID project along with the invitation for your students to submit a PSA in the upcoming 2015 Digital ID PSA Challenge.
Edutopia! Lisa Currie Cheap NFL Jerseys Paypal article is part of the dynamic Bullying Prevention collection of resources on teaching kindness, empathy, and digital citizenship.
On my New Year Resolution List is the intent to update this post during Cheap NFL Jerseys the school year with samples of digital citizenship surveys for students, along with data on the results and impact of teaching kindness and civility. I welcome your input.
Best wishes to all school sites for Cheap Jerseys From China a year of newsworthy positive accomplishments!
I grew up in a home with books. In the room we referred to as the an entire wall was lined with my parents books and book collections. There was also a small glass three shelf bookcase that did not require any climbing and reaching on my part and that held book. It was The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rowlings. Wyeth illustrations that drew me to this classic. Other than my dad golf books, few of their books were illustrated. Wyth illustrations were gripping and fueled the imagination, as you can see by scanning the online Project Gutenberg version.
I think it entirely possible that I actually learned to read at home, not at school. I remember being assigned to reading groups according to reading level. I can remember ever coming home wanting to talk about any great stories from the classroom readers. Although when my first or second grade NFL Jerseys Cheap teacher introduced me to Charlotte Web as a read aloud, I know I begged to have my own copy.
Back to The Yearling. When I first discovered the book, I was still in the primary grades. Even though I couldn read it, I could tell from the illustrations that it was an animal story, a favorite genre then (and still today). When I told my dad how much I wished I could read The Yearling, he gave me a great piece of advice: Just keep checking back every so often, because at some point you will be able to read it.
Looking back, I pretty sure it was the Nancy Drew detective seriesthat helped boost my reading level up to The Yearling lexile. Although totally done as outside reading, separate from classroom readers/anthologies, I regularly brought my latest Nancy Drew book to school in order trade with friends. Sort of an organically organized early book club. I guessing it was about 5th or 6th grade when I realized The Yearling was now an accessible read.
First things first for Mike Riley
Talking Oregon State football .
It's been the Wholesale Jerseys busiest of times for coach Mike Riley recruiting season, compounded by the loss of offensive coordinator Danny Langsdorf to the NFL's New York Giants.
So much so that Riley is taking wife Dee with him to Tallahassee, Fla., for wholesale nfl jerseys ex OSU receiver Brandin Cooks' acceptance of the Biletnikoff Award next weekend. And the Rileys are going to stay a couple of extra days in the Florida sun to reacquaint themselves with one another.
Before Wholesale Jerseys China that, though, is Wednesday's letter of intent signing day and steps toward the hiring of a new O coordinator.
The latter first. Riley is in the early stages of the process and is in no hurry to make a hire, though it will happen in the next couple of weeks.
"I'll get busy on it next week," Riley said Friday. "I've had tons of calls, and good calls, from very interesting candidates. So many people are interested, I want to respond to everybody before I really get going on it."
Will Riley go outside to find someone with major experience head coaching and/or O coordinator experience to bring in some fresh ideas? Or will he go in house, perhaps to elevate receivers coach Brent Brennan or bring back chief of staff Jay Locey to the coaching side, while maybe moving assistant director of player personnel Ryan Gunderson in to coach the quarterbacks?
"I'm looking nfl jerseys cheap both ways," is all Riley would say.
Oregon State's quarterback situation which looked dire until Sean Mannion decided cheap nfl jerseys to return for his senior season, and still seemed thin even after it suddenly looks much better.
There was the December revelation that Zach Kline, the backup last season at California, will transfer to OSU this summer. The 6 2, 200 pound Kline is attending wholesale jerseys Berkeley (Calif.) City College and will have to sit out next season, with two seasons of eligibility remaining.
Last week came the news that Luke Del Rio, who had spurned an OSU scholarship offer out of high school in Highlands Ranch, Colo., to walk on at Alabama, will also transfer and become a Beaver. The 6 2, 205 pound Del Rio, who redshirted with the Crimson Tide last fall, has been admitted to OSU and is expected to be in school for spring term and be available for spring ball.
Del Rio, who passed for 2,275 yards and 28 touchdowns with four interceptions in leading Wholesale NFL Jerseys China Valor Christian High to the Colorado 5A state title as a senior in 2012, had narrowed his choices down to Oregon State and Oklahoma State before deciding to walk on at Alabama.
"It a funny world," said Riley, who played his college ball at Alabama. "When he called and said he was going to Alabama, I said, 'Luke, if you change your mind, give me a call.' I didn know it would be a year later.
"I excited about having him. We really liked him out of high school. He has all the qualities you look for in a pro cheap jerseys style quarterback the arm, the production, the athletic ability, the smarts. There's a great spot for him on our team."
As it stands now, Del Rio son of Denver Broncos defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio will sit out the 2014 season and have three years of eligibility remaining. The Del Rios have indicated to Riley, however, that they will appeal to the NCAA to regain Luke's freshman Cheap NFL Jerseys CHINA season. If the appeal were to be granted, Del Rio would be eligible to play next fall as a redshirt freshman.
The other quarterbacks on Oregon State's roster for next season are sophomore Brent VanderVeen and redshirt freshman Kyle Kempt. Three high schools seniors expected to sign letters of intent on Wednesday are QBs Marcus McMaryion Wholesale NFL Jerseys of Dinuba, Calif.,
Nick Mitchell of Snoqualmie, Wash., and Tanner Sanders of Crescent Valley High. The 6 4, 200 pound Sanders is likely to move to receiver at OSU, though.
The guess here is that in 2015, Kempt, Del Rio and Kline will battle it out to be Mannion's successor. Kline, incidentally, remains a free agent who could opt to go elsewhere. So nfl jerseys china far, he hasn't indicated to OSU coaches any change of heart in his decision to play for the Beavers.
With most of the hay in the barn, Riley said recruiting is "going great. It's a real good class, and we feel very stable Cheap NFL Jerseys CHINA with our commitments right now."
Oregon Cheap Jerseys CHINA State has 24 verbal commitments one short of the limit going into the weekend, with 6 3, 310 pound defensive tackle Kammy Delp of Pomona, Calif., on campus for an official visit.
If Delp accepts a scholarship offer, that puts OSU at the maximum. If not, Cheap Jerseys the final ride would likely go to either David Moala, a 6 2, 310 pound D tackle from Cerritos College in Norwalk, Calif., or 6 0, 170 pound safety Xavier Crawford from Concord, Calif. Delp and Crawford both decommitted Delp from Arizona State, Crawford from San Diego State.
The Beavers also have a verbal from running back Harris Ross out of Pittsburg, Calif. Under new NCAA rules, OSU coaches would likely ask Ross not to sign now and to enter school as a grayshirt Wholesale NFL Jerseys China next winter.
The prospective 2014 class is Cheap NFL Jerseys heavy on linemen six on the defensive side, four on the offensive side of the ball and balanced, with the two quarterbacks, two tight ends, three receivers, three defensive backs and three linebackers.
Still no word on the status of linebacker and Michael Doctor and receiver Jordan Villamin.
Doctor seems relatively certain to gain approval from the NCAA for a medical redshirt senior season but won't learn his fate until March. OSU coaches are unsure when they'll find out about Villamin, who sat out his first season as a partial qualifier, but it seems likely he won't gain eligibility until the summer.
Los Olivos Mexican Patio N Pima Rd
You know those bean dips you can pick up at the grocer by the chips? Well they serve a spicy bean dip with their tortilla chips which is 10 times more awesome. I horded the cheap fake oakleys store dip as much as Gollum coveted the one ring, muhahaha.
Anyways. I had the chance to sample the fish tacos, cheese and onion enchiladas, rice, and beans. discounted oakleys
The enchiladas were great too, cheap oakleys the texture of the cheese was silky smooth, the sauce was wonderful. I am not an enchilada fan, but I would order this again from here.
The beans were nice and flavorful, as was the rice. I don't normally finish my plate, but I polished of my fish cheap fake oakleys taco plate.
Me gusta, A+, would return again.
Diner cheapest oakleys from Phoenix
The first time ate at Los Olivos was a Saturday afternoon after the gym. My boyfriend and I were hungry and our first pick "Eden's Grill" wasn't open so fake oakleys we were brainstorming places that were coming to mind when he suggested this. I'm always down for some mexican, so there we went. The salsa is good, but I hate when it is served with a plate. A little bowl would be so much better and then I wouldnt have to get salsa on my hands scooping it onto a chip and have stinky salsa fingers for the rest of the day!! A plate? I don't get it?? Anyway
I really like the hot salsa and made a pretty good flavor mixing it with the mild.
I ordered some Mexican Flag Enchiladas that were good but not anything to write home about. I probably wouldnt order them again. They weren't bad, just not great either. What was great was Justin's Chicken Quesadilla. This sounded really boring and lame to me when he ordered it and I was questioning our flavor compatibility until it came out. It didnt look like a quesadilla, but more like a stuffed pizza! It discount oakleys was so full of cheese and chicken y goodness that I completely sumped my "Flag" and jumped all over this! It was so good dipped (more like rubbed) in salsa (cuz how do you "dip" off of a plate??) The crisp outer texture of the tortilla was perfect paired with the creamy hot cheese and grilled chicken pieces. Top that with cool but spicy salsa and I fell in love. I have been back twice with out of town guests just for that.
The place is totally casual and good and the service is usually pretty good. Takeout caused some confusion once, though I'm not sure why. Maybe they don't do it much. A good bet for a cheese laden meal and good chips and salsa!
Diner from Phoenix
Service was awful, dirty eating utensils, plates of food slammed on the table, sauce spilled on the table, had to ask for each beverage refill even w/ empty glasses on the edge of the table. The food hasn't been more than mediocre in the recent years at Los Olivos. The waitress made a show of jiggling her breasts at my husband rather than provide a reasonable modicum of food and beverage service. She showed no training at all, and less class as a person. I've only heard my husband mention once before, 'she was lucky to get a tip at all'. Staff people were standing around talking, joking, not much care for clients. It almost seemed like the staff, cashier and seaters included, were doing us a favor by providing the minimal service that they could get away with. Where we sat the walls were filthy dirty, even salsa splashes. It looked like somebody had blown their nose on the wall. Do NOT touch under the tables as there must be years of gum wads stuck under them, which is a hepatitus concern. I'm afraid to dine here anymore.
At the time we were in the restaurant, it wasn't particularly busy, so there really aren't any excuses for such a lame dining experience.
If dining at Los Olivos, cheap oakleys or the style of food is mentioned again, both my husband and myself will suggest Frank Lupe's on Marshall Way in Scottsdale.
I'm sorry to say, Los Olivos has gone way down hill in the recent several years and prices have gone up considerably. I remember when there were a few good male servers at Los Olivos, but alas, only one we know of now. I've started to wonder how long the restaurant will be able to stay in business before being shunted out. Personally, I'll be sorry to see the restaurant close, but there are too many other good, clean eating places where clientele are treated w/ respect, good service, and good food for a fair price.
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In their first season under coach Gus Bradley, it was not rare for the fake discount oakleys Jacksonville Jaguars to start three rookies in their discount fake oakleysdefensive backfield. In his second season in charge, three rookies at wide receiver were almost as common a sight.
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